It’s time to talk books with the Fairfax Library Book Discussion Group!
When? Thursday, May 14th at 7 p.m.
Where? Fairfax Library meeting room
What Book? The Book of Salt by Monique Truong
Going Green: Instead of printing copies of background material for the meeting, it’s attached to this e-mail for you to read before or after our discussion or check out these links for more background info:
A little history of French colonization of Vietnam
Another short history of French colonization in Vietnam
A history of French colonization (with pictures!)
Some interesting background on Gertrude Stein
If you’re really interested, a play of Gertrude Stein’s is being produced in SF this month.
As always, refreshments will be served. Since we’re discussing Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas, it might be appropriate to think about serving Toklas’ famous Haschich Fudge.
Coming up next: On Thursday, June 11th, we’ll discuss To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee.
And on Thursday, July 9th, we’ll discuss The Emperor’s Children by Claire Messud
I look forward to seeing you at the library.
Beth Bailey-Gates
Friends of the Fairfax Library