The Fairfax
Library Book Discussion Group will meet this Thursday, October 11th at 7 p.m. in the meeting room of the Fairfax
Library to discuss our October book: The Forgery of Venus by Michael
Here are some
links for additional background and information:
play, Krapp’s LastTape and a YouTubevideo of a performance from the play
Examples of Teipolo’s work and his
frescoesin the Wurzburg Residenz (check out that staircase!)
Velasquez website with pictures of
his artwork
An art
critic’s review
of the book
And, a youtube trailer for the
book (because it’s not enough to just write a book anymore…)
Coming up, we
have the following titles to look forward to reading:
November 8 LostKingdom: Hawaii’s Last Queen, the Sugar Kings and America’s First ImperialAdventure by Julia Flynn Siler –
author, Julia Siler, will join us this evening to discuss her book and her
research about Hawaii
December 13 The
Sense of an Ending by Julian Barnes
Thanks for
reading with us. I look forward to seeing you at the Fairfax Library.
Beth Bailey-Gates
Friends of
the Fairfax